Your Family Brew Pub Since 1996

Our Brew Mistress & Owner

Owner, Penny Pink, is PVBs original master brewer and is back like a bad penny...
Penny has busted her ovaries over the past three decades bootstrapping her way through building the business, creating countless beer brands and handcrafted food menus. Penny is excited to be working on a whole new business model for PVB and actively looking for a new owner. If you buy, I will stay on to transition and train for 6-12 months if you want my help!
Looking forward to spending more of my retirement years with Frank, Woofie and Daisy, my trusty tractor, gardening, hiking, skiing, rafting and dancing till my boots fall off. Hopefully I get to spend more time in the seat than doing "tractor yoga" under Daisy. LOL
Meanwhile, until I can find a buyer for the business the plan is to get back in the brewery making beer again in 2025.
Cheers, Penny
Chef's Choice Chalkboard Menu
Snap Shot
See next web page for full menu.

Plans for the Future
Here is my plan, and I am sticking to it...
Plan A - Find a buyer for the business so I can retire.
Plan B - Rent the Loft out for private parties and events.
Plan C - Open the main floor on Friday/Saturday nights 4-9pm with a limited dinner menu and bar service on the main floor, in addition to renting The Loft for special events and private parties until I can find a buyer.
Call Penny at 208-226-4347 or email for more information.
Looking forward to PVB rev. 2.0!
P.S. In case you are wondering...
I had a total knee replacement last year (2024) and had some major complications. I am on the mend now.
Cheers, Penny Pink